Choosing the best BREEAM water cooler for you

The words ‘water cooler’ often bring to mind a clunky bottle balancing precariously atop a white plastic base – not particularly stylish, not very eco-friendly and certainly not remarkable. While these relics from the 1980s still exist, water coolers have come a long way. There are numerous options on the market that can now be considered a stylish and eco-conscious addition to your home or office space.

HALSEY TAYLOR MIWLow impact, sustainable living is increasing in popularity every year. We find that one of our clients’ key concerns is the potential negative environmental impact of installing a water cooler. It’s a valid concern – water coolers of yore were not designed with green living in mind! They guzzled high amounts of electricity and came with an ever-present supply of disposable plastic cups affixed onto their side.

All of that is changing. Providing your clients, employees or students with constant fresh, clean water no longer has to come at the expense of the environment – and BREEAM has had a lot to do with these changes. Known as “the world’s foremost environmental assessment method and rating system for buildings,” BREEAM was developed in 1990 and has certified over 425,000 properties around the world.

In order to achieve BREEAM status, a developer must demonstrate that they provide fresh, chilled water to their building’s inhabitants. One water cooler must be present for every 200 people – but a BREEAM certified water cooler isn’t just one of those cumbersome old models mentioned above.

In order to pass the BREEAM test, the water cooler must be piped directly into the mains, must be tamper proof and be affixed to the wall. In addition, they may not include those pesky plastic cups in order to encourage users to refill their own bottles and drinking glasses.

Increasingly, schools, universities and other institutions are actively seeking BREEAM certification. Similarly, smaller businesses and office places are aspiring to operate according to BREEAM guidelines in an attempt to improve corporate green policy and encourage industry best practice.

We find that we are increasingly fielding requests from architecture firms, public relations companies and design studios that are turning toward new BREEAM water cooler guidelines. Many are choosing our own MIW HTHB-1800 model to satisfy those requirements while providing up to 340 litres of fresh, clean water every hour.

Using GreenSpec technology, the HTHB-1800 uses 60% less water and electricity than similar models on the market, and has an advanced drainage system that prevents drips and floods on the surrounding floor areas. These traits have earned it the “top scoring” designation from BREEAM, a rare honour given only to the best of the best in eco-friendly design.

With BREEAM certifications in high demand and countless buildings around the world following their guidelines and ethos during construction, we are confident that our BREEAM water cooler will win high accolades for many years to come. Give us a call or send us an email today to find out how you can best fulfill your hydration needs.

For further information contact MIW on  01207 572 000